All NPI Numbers of Veterinarian

List Specialities of Veterinarian
Gregory Riskin

NPI Number: 1386891935

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 3-21 Saddle River Rd, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 2017965833

Rachel Sierra

NPI Number: 1821245507

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 381 Route 45, Salem, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 8568780910

Jennifer C Feeney

NPI Number: 1467609206

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 70 South Ave, Fanwood, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 9083227500

Aimee Kompel

NPI Number: 1427205384

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 1565 Route 206, Tabernacle, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 6092689470

Pamela B Cross

NPI Number: 1033366851

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: Po Box 189, Mantua, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 8568480020

Thomas Gregory Curro

NPI Number: 1609022060

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 1330 Hwy 35, Middletown, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 7326711503

Thomas Chlebecek

NPI Number: 1225284672

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 420 Uluniu St, Kailua, Hawaii, United States

Phone: 8082629621

Brian Mackie

NPI Number: 1790931426

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 9801 Old Winery Place, Sacramento, California, United States

Phone: 9163623111

Brian Mackie

NPI Number: 1790931426

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 9801 Old Winery Place, Sacramento, California, United States

Phone: 9163623111

Angelica M Martinez

NPI Number: 1043466733

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 10834 Se Kent Kangley Rd, Kent, Washington, United States

Phone: 2538528460

Michelle Lee Annese

NPI Number: 1700032588

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 262 Main St, Madison, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 9733771515

Ross A. Lirtzman

NPI Number: 1245486356

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 7410 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Phone: 4809985999

Laura J Snyder

NPI Number: 1023264181

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 1565 Route 206, Tabernacle, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 6092689470

Robert Dale Evans

NPI Number: 1033375381

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 675 N Gilbert Rd, Gilbert, Arizona, United States

Phone: 4808921554

Roger Mayeda Clemmons

NPI Number: 1255597613

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 8718 Sw 42nd Pl, Gainesville, Florida, United States

Phone: 3523281794

James R Johnson

NPI Number: 1063678688

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 918 W Sunset Dr, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States

Phone: 2625470871

Roxy J Leslie

NPI Number: 1649436353

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 5500 Cottage Hill Rd, Mobile, Alabama, United States

Phone: 2516616189

Norman N Haber

NPI Number: 1003072109

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 223 Cedarbrook Rd, Sicklerville, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 8566297177

Christopher John Fazio

NPI Number: 1144485285

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 424 Silver Lake Rd, Blairstown, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 9084599308

Elisabeth Rachel Deppe

NPI Number: 1669637930

Primary Speciality: Veterinarian

Address: 500 W Wisconsin St, Sparta, Wisconsin, United States

Phone: 6082692355

FAQs about Veterinarian

How do I search for an NPI number for a Veterinarian on

To search for an NPI number for a Veterinarian on, go to the website and enter "Veterinarian" in the specialty search bar. This will return all Veterinarians in the database along with their NPI numbers.

What information do I need to provide to search for a Veterinarian's NPI number?

To search for a Veterinarian's NPI number on, you need to enter their name, specialty (Veterinarian), state, and optionally city to narrow your search results. The system will return matching records that include the NPI number.

How can I verify a Veterinarian's NPI number?

If you have a Veterinarian's NPI number, you can verify it on by entering the number in the NPI number search bar. The system will return the provider's details and confirm if the NPI number is valid or not.

What information is displayed when I search for a Veterinarian by NPI number?

Searching for a Veterinarian by NPI number on will display their name, specialty, practice address, phone number and other credentials. This allows you to easily identify the correct provider and contact them directly using the displayed information.

How often is the NPI data for Veterinarians updated on

The NPI data on is updated on a monthly basis to ensure the information for all specialties including Veterinarians is current and accurate. This allows users to rely on the system for the latest provider details when searching or verifying NPI numbers.

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