All NPI Numbers of Single Specialty

Muhammad Farooq U Qureshi

NPI Number: 1437311487

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 437 Argyle Rd, East Meadow, New York, United States

Phone: 6316652910

Valerie Catherine Coon

NPI Number: 1407026263

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 1115 Se 164th Ave Dept 358, Vancouver, Washington, United States

Phone: 3607291253

Gina Marie Constantine

NPI Number: 1689850489

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 1845 Precinct Line Rd, Hurst, Texas, United States

Phone: 8173364638

Surekha Machupalli

NPI Number: 1033391073

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 2033 W Mcdermott Dr, Allen, Texas, United States


Raya Massoud

NPI Number: 1831370063

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 8 Bankbarn Cir, Middletown, Maryland, United States

Phone: 4437106009

Murali Krishna Maddipati

NPI Number: 1285814541

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 2946 Jefferson St, Marianna, Florida, United States

Phone: 8505263314

Heather Lindo

NPI Number: 1215138300

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 4327 S Hwy 27, Clermont, Florida, United States

Phone: 7047064528

NPI Number: 1356551873

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 2465 Reynolds Ave Ste 101, North Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Phone: 7024769600

Kandi Sue Moller

NPI Number: 1912096967

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 14014 82nd Ave Nw, Gig Harbor, Washington, United States

Phone: 5419791106

Bob S Salk

NPI Number: 1396839965

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 45 Castro Street, Ste #315, San Francisco, California, United States


Vivian B Giudice

NPI Number: 1174617542

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 801 Encino Pl Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Phone: 5059235356

Dermot Connole Jinks

NPI Number: 1528161817

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 402 Rowland St, Ballston Spa, New York, United States

Phone: 5183630202

James A Hayes

NPI Number: 1518075597

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 1200 Chester Blvd, Richmond, Indiana, United States

Phone: 7659667724

James Alvin Cato

NPI Number: 1679681183

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 2123 Wrightsboro Rd, Augusta, Georgia, United States

Phone: 7067365244

William Meyer Sugarmann

NPI Number: 1982717880

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 30 Rehill Ave, Somerville, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 9089278994

Steven B Zeiler

NPI Number: 1003850066

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 3885 Upham St, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, United States

Phone: 9709458503

Yazmin Johanna Soto Guerrero

NPI Number: 1104866482

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 710 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, Virginia, United States

Phone: 7578972141

Christopher R Fuesy

NPI Number: 1861445603

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: Po Box 1539, Matthews, North Carolina, United States

Phone: 7048414000

Ronald V Futerman

NPI Number: 1528011376

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: Po Box 1539, Matthews, North Carolina, United States

Phone: 7048414000

Jesus Raul Jimenez

NPI Number: 1992757355

Primary Speciality: Single Specialty

Address: 2311 N Mesa Build I, El Paso, Texas, United States

Phone: 9155440600

FAQs about Single Specialty

What does a Single Specialty in medicine mean?

A Single Specialty in medicine refers to a practice or a healthcare provider focusing on a specific area of medicine, offering specialized care and services related to that field. These specialties can range from cardiology to dermatology, providing targeted expertise.

How can I find a healthcare provider's NPI number within a specific Single Specialty?

To find a healthcare provider's NPI number within a specific Single Specialty, utilize the search feature on Select the specific specialty from the options available, and enter the provider's name to retrieve their NPI number and other pertinent information.

Why is it important to know the NPI number of a single-specialty healthcare provider?

Knowing the NPI number of a single-specialty healthcare provider is crucial for billing, insurance claims, and verifying the provider's credentials. It facilitates efficient communication and transactions within the healthcare industry.

Can I use to compare healthcare providers within the same specialty?

Yes, allows users to compare healthcare providers within the same specialty by using the NPI lookup tool. This comparison can help patients choose the provider that best suits their healthcare needs based on qualifications and other available data.

How often is the Single Specialty healthcare provider information updated on

The information regarding Single Specialty healthcare providers on is frequently updated to maintain accuracy and provide users with the most up-to-date details, including NPI numbers and specialty services offered.

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