NPI Numbers of Physical Therapy Assistant in Nashville, Tennessee, United States provides the most comprehensive list of Physical Therapy Assistant in Nashville, United States. You can easily get all the detailed information about these healthcare providers, including profile overview, doctor name, specialization, medical licenses, contact phone numbers, address, ZIP code, etc.

List of Physical Therapy Assistant Providers

Ann L Emery

NPI Number: 1588744528

Primary Speciality:

Address: 808 Cherry Laurel Ct, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6156658264

Shelley Crump Hardeman

NPI Number: 1033291752

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1040 Parkwood Ter, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6153708920

Michael Eric Mastin

NPI Number: 1568530434

Primary Speciality:

Address: 3109 Harpeth Springs Dr, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 9312052623

Jill Marie Neal

NPI Number: 1508914862

Primary Speciality:

Address: 511 Coventry Ct, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6153475911

Rachel Lesley Vaught

NPI Number: 1225188980

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2920 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6152101881

Robyn Michele Hepler

NPI Number: 1649495482

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1457 Woodfield Dr, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6154454523

Sheila Hayes

NPI Number: 1538381215

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4756 Eatons Creek Rd, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6158596600

Millenese Rudaire Fluellen

NPI Number: 1578761565

Primary Speciality:

Address: Vanderbilt Orthopedic Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6153437491

Sandra Mullins Clifton

NPI Number: 1902004906

Primary Speciality:

Address: Vanderbilt Orthopedic Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6153437491

Lydia Elisabeth Mcanally

NPI Number: 1427230903

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1301 22nd Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, United States


NPI Number: 1043477979

Primary Speciality:

Address: 311 Carter St Apt 213, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 2086009013

What is a NPI Number?

An NPI number, standing for National Provider Identifier, is a unique 10-digit identification number for covered healthcare providers in the USA, provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The NPI number is the required identifier for Medicare services. All healthcare providers, healthcare clearinghouses, commercial healthcare insurers, etc must use their NPI numbers in the administrative and financial transactions adopted under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Does the NPI ever change?

The NPI doesn't contain personal information regarding the provider, so, your NPI will not change when you change your name, address, career, taxonomy, or practice location. You will have only one individual NPI.

How to get an NPI number?

The easiest way to get an NPI number is to apply online through National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). It takes 20-30 minutes to complete the application online and you will get your NPI number within 10 days later.

Should I share my NPI with anyone?

You should only share your NPI number with those who you trust and who need it. For example, you can share the NPI with other providers, clearinghouses, health plans, agencies, etc for billing purposes.

How do I find someone's NPI number? Go to right now!
We are a free NPI number lookup service, aggregating millions of NPI numbers of doctors, physicians, organizations, and healthcare providers in the USA. With a simple and easy-to-use interface, anyone can easily find an NPI number by State, City, or name of providers online.