Introducing the New Anthurium Wilfordii x Reflexinervium Hybrid Plant

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Introducing the New Anthurium Wilfordii x Reflexinervium Hybrid Plant

As the owner and head grower at BWH Plant Co, I'm always excited to introduce new Anthurium hybrids that we've bred in-house. Our latest creation is no exception - the gorgeous Anthurium Wilfordii x Reflexinervium. This hybrid combines two stunning Anthurium species to produce a plant with the best traits of both parents.

The Parents

The Anthurium Wilfordii parent has a natural "bird's nest" growth habit with dark green velvety leaves and a hint of purple undersides. Anthurium Reflexinervium is known for its same climbing growth pattern but with extremely glossy heart-shaped leaves. By crossing these two species, I hoped to create a hybrid with the striking foliage characteristics of both.

A Long Breeding Process

It took over 10 months to grow these plants from seed, and the parent plants were cross-pollinated even earlier. Anthurium breeding can be a lengthy process, but it allows me to experiment with color combinations, patterns, and traits to develop beautiful new varieties. With a limited number of Anthurium Wilfordii x Reflexinervium seedlings available, I don't expect our supply to last long.

Appearance and Care

Though still young, the seedlings are showing great promise and inheriting qualities from both parents. Only time will tell how the mature hybrid plant appears, but early signs point to glossy heart-shaped leaves in shades of deep green with purple undertones. These Anthuriums make excellent houseplants as they thrive in medium to low indirect light. They also prefer consistent moisture and moderate fertilizer during the growing season.

Spread the Word on TikTok

As the owner of BWH Plant Co, I share my plant passion on #TikTok under the handle @bwhplantco. One of my recent videos introduced this new Anthurium hybrid using the hashtags #fyp and #plantsoftiktok to reach fellow plant lovers. TikTok is a fun way for me to connect with others in the houseplant community and spread the word about our unique creations here at BWH.


How long do Anthuriums live?

Anthuriums are fairly long-lived houseplants if cared for properly. Most varieties can survive for 5-10 years or more when grown in conditions that suit their needs.

Do Anthuriums flower?

Yes, many types of Anthuriums will produce colorful heart-shaped flowers. However, it may take 1-2 years for a young plant to reach blooming size and flowering depends on providing the right environment.

Are Anthuriums toxic to pets?

All parts of the Anthurium plant contain calcium oxalate crystals which can cause irritation and vomiting if ingested by pets. It's best to keep Anthuriums out of reach of animals.

How do I propagate Anthuriums?

There are a few methods to propagate Anthuriums including seed, cuttings, and division. Cuttings root easily in water or damp soil if treated with rooting hormone.

What kind of light do Anthuriums need?

Medium to low, indirect light is ideal. Anthuriums can tolerate low light better than direct sun which may scorch their leaves. East or north-facing windows provide suitable conditions.