Repurposing Pools Water to Save Resources on Your Homestead

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Repurposing Pools Water to Save Resources on Your Homestead

As a homesteader, it's important to make the most of all the resources available to you and avoid wasting anything. One way Mark Bonnalie recycles resources on his property is by using the water from his stock tank hot tub to irrigate his hillside after cleaning it out. Here's a closer look at how he repurposes this water.

Cleaning Out the Pool Water

Mark's stock tank serves as both a hot tub and a cold water pool in the summer. However, over time it collects dust and needs a good cleaning. Rather than just letting all that used pool water go down the drain, he has a better way to put it to use.

Irrigating with Pool Water

After pumping the water out with his portable power bank and 12V pump, Mark connects the hoses to a sprinkler head. He then waters the hillside on his property with all of the pool water. This helps hydrate the land without wasting a single drop.

Conserving Resources on the Homestead

In the comments of his TikTok video, Mark asked others what they do conserve resources on their homesteads. Repurposing grey or used water is a great way for homesteaders to be sustainable with their water usage. Others may collect rainwater, reuse dish or bath water, or find other innovative solutions.


How long does the pool water last for irrigation?

The amount of time the pool water would last depends on the size of the area being watered and soil conditions. For Mark's hillside, the single tank of water likely provided a good initial watering.

What type of pump does Mark use?

Mark mentioned using a 12V pump that runs off his portable Jackery power bank. A small, lightweight pump like this is perfect for tasks like emptying out his stock tank.

Are there any concerns with reusing pool water?

As long as the water is from a properly maintained and chlorinated pool, it should be safe for landscape irrigation. The main concern would be if any dirt or debris was pumped out that could clog sprinkler heads.

What are some other ways to conserve water on a homestead?

Some other options include collecting rainwater, using greywater from washing machines or showers to water gardens, minimizing water use in the home, and xeriscaping with drought-resistant plants.