How to Find Shed Antlers Faster with Fun Guyz Shed Hunting Glasses

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How to Find Shed Antlers Faster with Fun Guyz Shed Hunting Glasses

Finding shed antlers in the woods can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. But a new product promises to give shed hunters an advantage by making white antlers easier to spot. In a recent viral TikTok video, hunter Katelyn Armstrong tests out Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses to see if they really work.

The Challenge of Shed Hunting

Shed hunting, the practice of searching forest areas to find deer and elk antlers that have naturally fallen off, or "shed" in late winter, has grown increasingly popular in recent years. However, it can be a difficult task to spot small whitish antlers amongst natural forest debris. leaves, brush, and tree bark all blend together, camouflaging antlers from view.

Over the years, shed hunters have tried different techniques to aid in spotting antlers, from utilizing topographic maps to pinpoint likely areas to searching early morning or evening hours when light contrasts offer an advantage. But an effective tool specifically designed for the task could give avid shed hunters an important edge.

The Fun Guyz Solution

Enter Fun Guyz, a company that manufactures specialty binoculars and sunglasses for outdoor activities like shed hunting. Their shed hunting glasses claim to make locating whitish objects like deer and elk antlers easier through a unique optical filter.

The glasses contain lenses that filter out certain wavelengths of light, making everything viewed through them take on a subtle blue hue. According to Fun Guyz, this enhances the contrast of whitish objects against backgrounds like soil, trees, leaves and brush. In essence, it makes shed antlers "pop" and stand out more amongst natural forest surroundings.

A Field Test by Katelyn Armstrong

In her viral TikTok video, whitetail deer hunter and content creator Katelyn Armstrong decided to put the Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses to the test on her own property. She staged the experiment by scattering a set of deer antlers on the forest floor and viewing them both with and without the glasses.

Without the glasses, the antlers blended in naturally with the surrounding debris and vegetation. But when looking through the tinted lenses, Armstrong observed the antler profiles standing out noticeably against the background. She claimed the effect helped draw her eye directly to the antlers' location even from a distance.


How much do the Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses cost?

A pair of Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses retail for $99.95 on their website.

Do the glasses work well in different lighting conditions?

While they seem most effective in open woodlands during midday hours, some reviews say the glasses still provide enhanced contrast even in shaded areas or low-light conditions like early morning.

Are the lenses durable enough for rugged outdoor use?

Fun Guyz uses shatter-resistant and scratch-resistant lens coatings designed to withstand bumps and abrasions from forest environments. Most owners report the lenses holding up well over repeated use.

What other wildlife viewing activities can the glasses assist with?

In addition to shed hunting, some sportspeople also use Fun Guyz glasses effectively for activities like spotting rattlesnakes, morel mushroom foraging, and birdwatching.

Do the Fun Guyz Glasses Really Work?

From Armstrong's hands-on field test, the Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses appear to deliver on their main promise - making whitish objects like deer antlers stand out more prominently against a woodland backdrop. Whether scanning forest thickets from a distance or up close, the subtle blue lens tint seemed to draw her eye directly to the antlers.

And anecdotal reviews online corroborate that with proper technique, the contrast-enhancing effect can translate to actually finding more sheds out in the real world. Of course your luck and time spent searching will still be major factors. But for serious shed hunters, the $100 investment may end up paying off if the glasses uncover even a single extra set of elk or deer antlers per season.

In summary, while not a magic bullet, Fun Guyz shed hunting glasses appear to deliver a genuine advantage for the challenging task based on Armstrong's hands-on trial. With practice, they could very well help serious shed hunters locate a few extra prizes each seasonhidden in the brush.