Soothing Ways Soap Helps Relieve Painful, Swollen Hemorrhoids | Home Treatment Tips

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Soothing Ways Soap Helps Relieve Painful, Swollen Hemorrhoids | Home Treatment Tips

Understanding Hemorrhoids and How Soap Can Help

Hemorrhoids, sometimes called piles, are swollen veins located in the lowest part of the rectum and anus. They occur when the veins become inflamed and enlarged due to straining during bowel movements, increased pressure during pregnancy, heavy lifting, or sitting for long periods of time.

Hemorrhoid symptoms can include painless bleeding during bowel movements, itching, swelling and discomfort around the anus. Some people feel an uncomfortable sensation of fullness after a bowel movement. The most common hemorrhoid symptoms usually go away within a few days on their own.

But in severe cases, hemorrhoids don't go away on their own and can become incredibly painful. Some types of hemorrhoid soaps can provide relief and comfort in these situations.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two general types of hemorrhoids based on location:

  • Internal hemorrhoids form inside the rectum
  • External hemorrhoids swell near the anal opening

Internal hemorrhoids usually don't hurt because there are few pain sensing nerves inside the rectum. You may not even know you have them unless they bleed during a bowel movement.

External hemorrhoids occur right at the anal verge and can be extremely painful. They usually form small clumps of swollen tissue that feel like lumps.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids often result from increased pressure in the blood vessels around your anus and rectum. This pressure can cause veins and tissues in these areas to swell.

Common sources of increased pressure include:

  • Straining from constipation or diarrhea
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity and being overweight
  • Sitting for long periods
  • Lifting heavy objects

Risk Factors

You may be more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Often have constipation or strain with bowel movements
  • Are middle-aged or older
  • Sit for long periods of time on the toilet
  • Regularly lift heavy objects
  • Have a family history of hemorrhoids
  • Frequently have diarrhea

How Soap Can Provide Hemorrhoid Relief

For some people with painful hemorrhoids, gently cleaning around the affected area with mild soap and water may help reduce swelling and irritation. The soap helps remove any mucus, fecal matter or skin secretions that could be making your hemorrhoids worse.

It’s important not to scrub too hard, as this could further aggravate sensitive hemorrhoidal tissue. Gently pat the area dry afterwards.

Choosing the Right Soap

The best soaps for hemorrhoids are mild, fragrance-free cleansers that won't burn or sting. A sensitive skin bar is a good option. Avoid using harsh soaps or cleansers that contain dyes, perfumes or other irritating ingredients.

Try a Sitz Bath

A sitz bath with warm water can also provide relief from hemorrhoid symptoms. Add a capful of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic soap with ingredients like eucalyptus or juniper to help shrink swollen tissue.

The warmth of the water can reduce swelling, while the soothing soap helps clean the area and may relieve painful burning and itching sensations.

Use Medicated Pads and Wipes

Medicated pads, creams and wipes containing safe ingredients like witch hazel or aloe vera can also be used to gently cleanse and soothe hemorrhoids after bowel movements.

Wipes with natural anti-inflammatory oils may also help hemorrhoids heal faster. Always pat dry instead of rubbing after using pads or wipes to avoid further irritation.

Over-the-Counter Ointments

There are many over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatment options available, including ointments, suppositories and creams. These usually contain active ingredients like hydrocortisone or witch hazel.

Apply a small amount topically after cleansing to help shrink swollen blood vessels and ease painful hemorrhoid symptoms.

Other Ways to Relieve Painful Hemorrhoids at Home

In addition to a gentle soap and water regimen, try these simple self-care methods to help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms:

  • Take warm baths and soak your bottom in warm water for 10-15 minutes a few times per day
  • Apply cold compresses or ice packs wrapped in cloth to swollen external hemorrhoids to reduce inflammation
  • Keep the area clean by washing gently with unscented soap after bowel movements
  • Pat dry gently after washing
  • Apply over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams to external hemorrhoids
  • Wear comfortable, loose cotton underwear and clothing
  • Use unscented and non-alcohol wipes instead of toilet paper after bowel movements
  • Drink plenty of water and consume more fiber to make bowel movements easier to pass
  • Consider a stool softener if you have persistent constipation

Avoid These Habits that Can Worsen Hemorrhoids

Certain lifestyle habits and activities can increase pressure in the veins around your anus, making hemorrhoids worse or more likely to flare up. Try to avoid:

  • Sitting or standing for long periods without taking breaks
  • Straining or holding your breath during bowel movements
  • Lifting heavy objects that put pressure on your abdomen and rectal area
  • Eating a low-fiber diet, which can lead to constipation and straining

When to See Your Doctor About Painful Hemorrhoids

Most of the time, you can successfully treat bothersome hemorrhoid symptoms at home with simple measures like a gentle soap and water regimen, medicated wipes, creams, warm baths and improved bathroom habits.

But if your hemorrhoid symptoms persist or seem to be getting worse after a week of home treatments, it's important to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider.

Seek Medical Care if You Have:

  • Bleeding that lasts longer than a week or seems to be getting heavier
  • Severe pain that does not improve with home care
  • Stools that look dark black or tarry
  • Lumps around the anus that won’t go away
  • Leakage of stool or mucus
  • General signs of infection like fever, chills or increased pain/swelling

Your doctor can rule out other conditions with similar symptoms, examine your hemorrhoids, and provide medical treatments if necessary.

In-Office Hemorrhoid Procedures and Surgeries

If hemorrhoids persist despite trying conservative home treatments, your doctor may recommend an office-based procedure or surgery. These can be performed right in your doctor’s office or at a surgical center.

In-office treatment options include:

  • Rubber band ligation - rubber bands cut off blood flow to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrivel and fall off
  • Sclerotherapy - an injection with a chemical solution causes the hemorrhoid to shrink
  • Infrared coagulation - an infrared light burns and cuts off circulation to small, bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Laser, heat or electrocoagulation – probes or lasers burn hemorrhoidal tissue

If office-based procedures are not successful or your hemorrhoids are too large, a traditional hemorrhoidectomy surgery may be recommended. This operation removes excessive hemorrhoidal tissue that is causing symptoms.

Recovering from hemorrhoid surgery typically takes 2-4 weeks and requires keeping the area very clean to prevent infections.

Preventing Hemorrhoid Flare Ups

Prevention is the best approach when it comes to problematic hemorrhoids that keep recurring. There are many lifestyle changes and self-care tips you can try at home to keep hemorrhoid flare ups at bay:

  • Eat high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking water throughout the day
  • Be physically active
  • Avoid long periods of standing or sitting
  • Use a small footstool to elevate your feet while you sit
  • Manage your weight if overweight
  • Don’t strain excessively while having a bowel movement
  • Gently wash the anal area with mild, unscented soap and water
  • Pat dry gently rather than rubbing
  • Apply cold compresses or ice packs wrapped in a towel
  • Keep the anal area dry to avoid irritating skin further
  • Wear loose, breathable cotton underwear and clothing

Making lifestyle modifications and using the right gentle cleaning regimen can help prevent repeated episodes of swollen hemorrhoids.

Being proactive about hemorrhoid care and avoiding your unique trigger factors are the best ways to solve persistent symptoms that affect your everyday comfort.


Can any kind of soap help soothe hemorrhoids?

No, you want to use a very gentle, fragrance-free soap without harsh chemicals. Bar soaps labeled for sensitive skin or baby washcloths are good options that won't further irritate hemorrhoids.

How often should I use soap to clean hemorrhoids?

Gently cleanse the area with mild soap and lukewarm water after every bowel movement. Then pat dry instead of rubbing. Avoid over-washing the area.

Is it OK to use soap inside my anus or rectum?

No, only clean around the outer anal area with soap, not inside the anus. Using soap inside can disturb delicate tissues and cause further irritation.

Can I use medicated hemorrhoid wipes along with soap?

Yes, you can gently cleanse around the anal area with a mild soap, then apply medicated pads or wipes containing ingredients like witch hazel to further soothe hemorrhoids.