Cozy Toes Boots: An Honest Review of the CozyToesCo Mini Boot Clone

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Cozy Toes Boots: An Honest Review of the CozyToesCo Mini Boot Clone

Have you been looking for an affordable alternative to the popular Ugg mini boot? The Cozy Toes Boots from CozyToesCo promise to deliver a similar look and feel at a fraction of the price. One TikTok user decided to put these boot dupes to the test with a side by side comparison to the real Ugg mini boot. Here are the results of her review.

The Review Process

@katsuico received her order of the Cozy Toes Boots on December 6th, about 3.5 weeks after placing her order on November 18th. Right away she noticed a difference in the materials upon removing the boots from their basic bubble wrap packaging. She then conducted a thorough inspection of the boots, comparing details like color, materials, soles and overall construction. Finally, she tried both pairs on to assess fit and comfort.

Materials and Appearance

When feeling the materials, @katsuico reported that the Cozy Toes Boots felt significantly rougher and less plush than the authentic Ugg suede. She commented that they "don't even really look like suede." side by side, the color difference between the two pairs was also very noticeable according to the review. The soles on the Cozy Toes Boots were observed to be thinner than the Uggs as well.

Fit and Comfort

While the sizing looked similar, @katsuico noted the Cozy Toes Boots felt more like thin house slippers in comparison to the thick, cushiony Uggs. She expressed doubts about wanting to wear the dupe boots outside for long periods, anticipating potential foot pain. After trying both pairs on, the reviewer was ultimately unimpressed with the fit and comfort of the Cozy Toes Boots.


In summary, @katsuico deemed the Cozy Toes Boots to be a "pass" and not a good alternative to the real Ugg mini boot based on her thorough examination. While they were more affordable at $38.95, she felt the materials, construction and overall experience did not live up to the standards of the authentic product. Those seeking a high quality dupe will likely be disappointed. The review provides useful insight for anyone considering these budget-friendly boot clones.