Guide to Zero Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

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Guide to Zero Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

Understanding Zero Calorie Foods

Zero calorie foods, also called no-calorie foods, refer to items that contain very few calories—typically less than 10 calories per serving. These foods provide negligible amounts of energy for the body, allowing people to consume them freely without worrying about calorie intake or weight gain.

Low-Calorie vs. Zero-Calorie

No food item contains literally zero calories. However, certain foods like celery and spinach contain so few calories that labeling them as zero calorie is an acceptable approximation. The FDA permits the use of “zero calorie” on labels when products have less than 5 calories per serving.

Low-calorie items contain 25 calories or less per serving. While not as low as zero-calorie fare, incorporating more of these foods can still help reduce overall caloric intake.

Mechanism Behind Zero Calorie Foods

Some zero calorie foods like tea and coffee contain compounds and nutrients that require a small amount of energy for the body to metabolize. However, they require more energy to digest than they provide, resulting in a net negative calorie balance.

Other foods like lettuce have a low energy density and high water content. They fill space in the stomach, reducing appetite without contributing significant calories.

The Best Zero Calorie Food Options

Non-Starchy Vegetables

Most non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, celery, peppers, mushrooms, etc. are low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods. With high fiber and water contents, vegetables satisfy hunger while providing few digestible carbs or proteins to break down for energy.


Many fruits can also be nearly zero calorie, especially when limiting portion sizes. Choose non-tropical fruits lower in natural sugars like strawberries, lemons, limes, grapefruit, blackberries, and raspberries as frequent low-calorie options.

Broths and Soups

Plain chicken, beef, and vegetable stocks and broth-based soups contain about 10 calories or less per serving. Add garlic, herbs, spices, lemon juice, and hot sauce for flavor. Just watch out for cream-based, cheese-laden, or high-sodium prepared soups.


Water, unsweetened tea, black coffee, and sparkling water with lemon or lime are healthy zero-calorie beverage choices. Limit milk, juices, sweet tea, soda, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks, specialty coffee drinks high in sugar and calories.

Condiments and Spices

Enhance food with zero calorie items like mustard, hot sauce, vinegar,Mrs. Dash seasoning blend, onion/garlic powder, pepper, salsa, ginger, lemon pepper, and salt-free herb blends . But watch out for calorie culprits like ranch, mayo, oil-based sauces, etc.

Are Zero Calorie Foods Healthy?


When chosen wisely, zero calorie items offer multiple benefits:

  • Appetite control for weight loss
  • Reduce calorie intake
  • Source of fiber, vitamins, minerals
  • Promote fat burning
  • Help manage diabetes
  • Hydrate the body


However, an all zero calorie diet would be unwise. Potential issues include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Increased cravings
  • Fatigue & low energy
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Hair loss

For optimal nutrition and health, zero calorie foods should comprise only part of balanced, moderate calorie diet.

Incorporating More Zero Calorie Foods


Breakfast ideas:

  • Fruit salad topped with mint
  • Egg white veggie omelet
  • Oatmeal made with water or unsweetened almond milk
  • Plain Greek yogurt with berries
  • Avocado toast on whole grain bread


Lunch/dinner ideas:

  • Turkey burger with salsa
  • Shrimp salad stuffed tomato
  • Veggie stir fry with cauliflower rice
  • Taco salad bowl
  • Zoodle pasta primavera


Smart snacking options:

  • Celery with hummus
  • Cottage cheese and berries
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Edamame pods
  • Apple slices with peanut butter

Focus on whole, minimally processed zero calorie foods for healthy weight management while allowing some higher calorie favorites in moderation.


Are there any foods that truly have zero calories?

There are no literal zero-calorie foods because the human digestive system always extracts some energy when breaking down food molecules. However, some foods like celery contain less than 5 calories per serving and are essentially calorie-free for practical purposes.

Do zero calorie foods boost weight loss?

Yes, zero calorie options like fruits, vegetables, broths, plain teas and black coffee can aid weight loss when used sensibly within a moderate calorie diet. They provide fewer digestible carbs and proteins to fuel the body, allowing people to feel full on less energy.

Can you survive on zero calorie foods alone?

No, an extreme diet of only zero calorie items would not have enough calories, protein, fat or nutrients to sustain life for very long. At minimum, a moderate amount of starchy vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, legumes, nuts and seeds are vital for good health.

Are artificial zero calorie sweeteners considered zero calorie foods?

While artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose and stevia provide the sensation of sweetness without calories, they would not be included in discussions of naturally zero calorie foods. Whole fruit would be a better choice than diet soda for calorie-free sweetness.