Healthy Sleep Habits - Tips for Better Rest from Clare Kittredge

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Healthy Sleep Habits - Tips for Better Rest from Clare Kittredge

Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits

Getting enough quality sleep is extremely important for both physical and mental health. However, in our busy modern lives, achieving healthy sleep habits can be a challenge. Author Clare Kittredge explores this issue in her book "Healthy Sleep Habits." By following her advice, you can improve your sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized every day.

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep allows your body and mind to recharge. Without adequate sleep, you may struggle with:

  • Impaired cognitive function and memory
  • Lack of focus and concentration
  • Reduced motor skills and increased accidents
  • Weakened immune system
  • Increased risk of illness and disease
  • Weight gain
  • Impaired mood and relationships

Quality sleep hydrates your skin, repairs muscles, and clears waste from the brain. Skimping on sleep harms your health and reduces your quality of life. Getting sufficient rest must become a top priority.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Sleep requirements vary by individual based on factors like age, physical activity level, and health conditions. However, most adults need 7 to 9 hours per night. Teenagers require even more. People over 65 tend to sleep lighter and less deeply but still need about 7 to 8 hours of rest.

Pay attention to how you feel upon waking. Do you still feel groggy after "enough" sleep? Or can you function optimally? Adjust your schedule until you feel refreshed.

Creating An Environment For Healthy Sleep

Falling and staying sleep relies heavily on environment. Things like noise, light, and temperature can inhibit rest. Kittredge suggests optimizing the following areas in your bedroom for better sleep:


Darkness triggers your brain to release melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Even small lights like chargers or clocks can impair rest. Consider:

  • Blackout curtains
  • Dimming lights
  • Sleep masks
  • No screens for 1-2 hours before bed
  • Cover or turn clock displays


From noisy neighbors to partners' snoring, sound can significantly impact sleep quality. If possible:

  • Use a fan, apps, or earplugs to create white noise
  • Play ambient music or nature recordings
  • Ask snoring partners to change positions or use anti-snore aids
  • Choose a quiet, peaceful neighborhood

Temperature & Humidity

Your body temperature naturally declines at night to initiate sleep. A climate-controlled room aligned with your body clock supports deeper rest.

  • Cooler temps of 60-75° Fahrenheit
  • Enough blankets to feel cozy while allowing temperature drop
  • Adequate humidity to prevent dehydration
  • Breathable moisture-wicking sheets and pajamas

Furniture & Bedding

An uncomfortable bed or room setup leads to tossing, turning, and interrupted sleep. Consider:

  • Supportive mattress and pillow suited to your sleep style
  • Breathable, moisture-wicking sheets and lightweight blankets
  • Soothing neutral colors for paint, furniture, and bedding
  • Nightstands and outlets within easy reach
  • Clear path between furniture for smooth navigation at night

Daily Habits That Promote Healthy Sleep

Consistency helps regulate your circadian rhythm so your body expects sleep at the same times. Kittredge recommends structuring days around sleep optimization.

Morning Rituals

To stimulate alertness in the morning:

  • Open blinds immediately upon waking
  • Do some light yoga/stretches
  • Shower or splash cold water on face
  • Eat a nourishing breakfast
  • Go outside to expose yourself to bright natural light

Daily Exercise

Regular exercise helps fatigue the body so it welcomes rest at night. For best results:

  • Exercise for at least 30-60 minutes daily
  • Finish workouts at least 3 hours before bedtime
  • Try rhythmic exercises like yoga, tai chi, or walking which encourage relaxation
  • Avoid stimulants like caffeine or heavy meals before bed

Nighttime Wind-Down

Transition smoothly into sleep mode by:

  • Establishing an evening routine doing quiet activities like reading
  • Keeping lights low and screens minimized or avoided
  • Listening to soft music or nature sounds
  • Practicing breathing exercises or light yoga
  • Journaling feelings to clear mental clutter
  • Taking a warm bath 1-2 hours before bed
  • Enjoying a light snack like yogurt, nuts, chamomile tea

What To Do When You Can't Sleep

Sometimes despite best efforts, sleep eludes you. Kittredge shares proven tips for insomnia:

Get Out Of Bed

Tossing and turning trains your body that being in bed equals lack of sleep. After 30 minutes, get up and try a relaxing activity until sleepy.

Write Down Worries

Brainstorming a plan to address concerns can “offload” mental clutter keeping you up. Outline actionable steps and reasonable solutions.

Try Calming Breathing

Techniques like 4-7-8 breathing trigger relaxation:

  1. Inhale quietly through nose for 4 counts
  2. Hold breath for 7 comfortable counts
  3. Slowly exhale through mouth for 8 counts
  4. Repeat until drowsy

Limit Clock Watching

Obsessively checking the time elevates anxiety making sleep harder. Cover displays to avoid temptation.

Use Imagery And Sensory Details

Paint mental pictures incorporating textures, sounds, smells and sights to distract wandering minds.

Changing Perspectives On Sleep

Kittredge concludes by emphasizing the need to make sleep a priority for health. Instead of viewing rest as luxury, see it as necessity for wellbeing. Commit to developing sustainable sleep habits for more energy and better living.

Implement Clare Kittredge’s guidance for optimizing your bedroom, daily routines and attitudes around sleep. Little adjustments can yield huge dividends helping you wake up refreshed, focused and ready to thrive.