All NPI Numbers of Prosthetics Case Management

Mary Justine Parrott-Allen

NPI Number: 1376790998

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 1320 E Broadway St Ste A, Campbellsville, Kentucky, United States

Phone: 2708497207

Marie A Mitchum

NPI Number: 1699931147

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 1130 Commercial St, Astoria, Oregon, United States

Phone: 5033251030

Michael B Phillips

NPI Number: 1376709345

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 9253 Hermosa Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, California, United States

Phone: 9094664333

Patrick Sean Price

NPI Number: 1194981282

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 4810 Technology Dr, Martinez, Georgia, United States

Phone: 7069225491

Doretta Easley Rue

NPI Number: 1023271525

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 345 Grandville Street Suite D, Gahanna, Ohio, United States

Phone: 6144715471

Kevin P Kennedy

NPI Number: 1922268788

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 551 S Bolling Rd, Pahrump, Nevada, United States

Phone: 7024682376

Nichelle Trinette Chavis

NPI Number: 1891955902

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 13923 E Exposition Ave, Aurora, Colorado, United States

Phone: 3033441383

Nelson Wilson

NPI Number: 1528228863

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 801 E Northside Dr, Clinton, Mississippi, United States

Phone: 6019242888

Janice Coe Beeson

NPI Number: 1326214487

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 1601 Southcross Dr W, Burnsville, Minnesota, United States

Phone: 9524352661

Donna M Digiuseppe

NPI Number: 1740455187

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: , , New York City,


Carlos Garces

NPI Number: 1003081951

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 10339 Zelzah Ave Apt 21, Northridge, California, United States

Phone: 8183003872

High Plains Orthotics And Prosthetics

NPI Number: 1144492240

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 3639 Avenue B, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, United States

Phone: 3086324641

Thomas Guth

NPI Number: 1710158043

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 6147 University Avenue, San Diego, California, United States

Phone: 6195823871

Diane Mazey

NPI Number: 1316118755

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 1 Tree Farm Rd, Pennington, New Jersey, United States

Phone: 6097308700

Rickey Dale Carrow

NPI Number: 1447420385

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 168 Jefferson Rd., Pinetown, North Carolina, United States

Phone: 2529272088

Joanna Lee Newlands

NPI Number: 1225208267

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 180 Academy St, Presque Isle, Maine, United States

Phone: 2077647200

Sanjay Suresh Kawankar

NPI Number: 1689844813

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 2625 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, California, United States

Phone: 3237272887

Winn'S Orthotics & Prosthetics

NPI Number: 1225208481

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 1075 S Idaho Rd, Apache Junction, Arizona, United States

Phone: 4809823000

Dale Stuart Lee Sheen

NPI Number: 1487822342

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: Po Box 90939, Houston, Texas, United States

Phone: 2815808228

Rebecca Whitehill

NPI Number: 1669640678

Primary Speciality: Prosthetics Case Management

Address: 5450 Peters Creek Rd Ste 111, Roanoke, Virginia, United States

Phone: 5403662711

FAQs about Prosthetics Case Management

How do I search for an NPI number for a Prosthetics Case Manager on

To search for an NPI number for a Prosthetics Case Manager on, go to the website and enter "Prosthetics Case Management" in the specialty search bar. This will return all Prosthetics Case Managers in the database along with their NPI numbers.

What information do I need to provide to search for a Prosthetics Case Manager's NPI number?

To search for a Prosthetics Case Manager's NPI number on, you need to enter their name, specialty (Prosthetics Case Management), state, and optionally city to narrow your search results. The system will return matching records that include the NPI number.

How can I verify a Prosthetics Case Manager's NPI number?

If you have a Prosthetics Case Manager's NPI number, you can verify it on by entering the number in the NPI number search bar. The system will return the provider's details and confirm if the NPI number is valid or not.

What information is displayed when I search for a Prosthetics Case Manager by NPI number?

Searching for a Prosthetics Case Manager by NPI number on will display their name, specialty, practice address, phone number and other credentials. This allows you to easily identify the correct provider and contact them directly using the displayed information.

How often is the NPI data for Prosthetics Case Managers updated on

The NPI data on is updated on a monthly basis to ensure the information for all specialties including Prosthetics Case Managers is current and accurate. This allows users to rely on the system for the latest provider details when searching or verifying NPI numbers.

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